Archdraw Outsourcing providing standard and customized Revit Family creation services.
Our BIM Library creation services for building product model catalogs to the architect, engineer, fabricator and manufacturer. We have experts of Revit environment and 10+ years of experience in BIM. The Revit Family provides detailed information about a physical product. Components object and Material/Layered objects are two types of BIM objects. The component objects are 3D geometry models like a door, window etc. The layered objects or material objects are product models which do not have fixed geometry or size like carpet, roofing, wall, ceiling etc.
We are expert in architectural Revit family creation services also known as BIM content creation services within Autodesk Revit which further helps in generating BIM Models. BIM or Revit components used to build your Revit 3D BIM models are known as Revit families.
Revit BIM family creation needs expertise as every component of the family that can be modeled. Our main focused as Revit BIM family creation services provider on basic family creation like furniture and equipment for residential, commercial, school, college, hospital, shopping mall, store, plant, health care and industry. We have expert staff in focusing on Revit family creation projects with high-quality output.
Our experts can engage with builders, manufacturers, contractors, engineers and architects for accurate and intelligent family model creation in facilitate building information modeling. Our Revit family creation services contain many families with curtain wall panels, furniture, fixtures, counters, plumbing fixtures, electrical fixtures, machine parts, elevators, HVAC, etc.
Our custom Revit family creation using the Autodesk Revit platform to creating parametric families of architectural or mechanical equipment. If any change to a family type updates and reflected to throughout the project i.e. the window type dimensions changes then all the window of the same family updated throughout the project. Use this type of intelligent families can help to manage and maintain the building information model for the project. Our Revit experts are providing customized architectural library creation services for architect, engineer and manufacturer. These BIM family can use and modify as the project requirements.
Archdraw Outsourcing offering veritable Revit family creation services for residential, commercial, hospital, educational, industrial projects. Our Revit family designer ensures high quality services and fast turnaround time at a low cost.
Our Revit Family Creation services includes
Architecture Family Creation
Structure Family Creation
MEP Family Creation
BIM Family Creation
Mechanical Revit Family Creation
Foundation Revit Family
Railing and Stair Revit Family
Furniture Revit Family
Ceiling and Column Revit Family
Kitchen Accessories Revit Family
Structural Components
Building System Components
Pipes and Fixtures Revit Family
Windows and Doors Family
Partitions and Walls Family
Truss and Joist Revit Family

We offer excellent Revit BIM services to architects, builders, contractors, designers, real estate professionals and retailers. Archdraw Outsourcing is an experienced offshore Revit Family Service provider company.
Here are some major points for the benefits of Revit BIM Family Creation Services:
- Our Revit Family Creation services display the real equipment of various elements like chairs, tables, doors, windows, etc.
- Revit BIM family creation services can help to create accurate models with respective sizes and designs.
- This service maintains relationships and coordination in every part of the design and model.
- The models designed with Revit software can be realistic and accurate with constructional documentation.
- Family creation services also use for accurate building analysis and estimating purposes.
BIM is an integrated system during all stages of planning, designing, construction and manage the construction processes. Mail us on for inquiry or any further information.
Our BIM Services recent projects

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